Big Cat Factz

Lions are the only extroverts of the big cats and live in groups called prides

Female lions hunt and take care of the cubs while male lions often lay around until there’s another male lion trying to take his place

Cheetahs are the fattest of the big cats as they can run 60 mild per hour

Baby cheetahs have thick fur on there backs which camouflages them from predators

Tigers are known for there striped fur that helps them camouflage on the forest floor

Tigers are in the minority of big cats that likes water

Snow leopards live in the mountains all throughout Asia

Snow leopards have a well developed chest that helps them breathe in the high mountains

Jarguars can be found all throughout South America and can be found in some parts of North America

Jaguars are also one of the few big cats that likes water

Leopards are African big cats that often spend there time in trees

Leopards often drag there food into trees

White tigers aren’t actually a species but have a condition called leucism making them white

Lions can also have leucism

Black panthers are just jaguars and leopards with a condition called melanism that makes there fur black

Pumas are big cats that live throughout North America they have large paws and claws that helps them hunt

Baby pumas have spots